Fall newsletter
Happy Fall! We are pleased to announce our new office hours. Starting October 15, the office will be open Monday through Friday with late evening and early morning appointments. We will continue to be open on Saturdays but only on the second and fourth Saturday of the month.
Come in for your flu shots. No copay and no wait time!
Do not forget your annual physicals.
Immigration physicals available.
New Office Hours
Monday 8am-4pm
Tuesday 1pm-7pm
Wednesday 8am-4 pm
Thursday 1pm-7pm
Friday 8am-4pm
Saturdays 8:30am-12 pm
(2nd and 4th)
Closed 1st and 3rd
Saturdays of every month.
Our medical weight loss program has partnered up with Robard, a leader in medical weight loss and high quality meal replacements. Take advantage of a free consultation with Dr. Manoj, a Board Certified Obesity medicine specialist and find out how she can guide you to achieve your personal weight goals.
We have a variety of high protein /low carb delicious meal replacements . Just $2+/product! Products are available for public purchase. Behavior modification classes starting on October 27 to address all your weight loss concerns. Just $10/person! Bring a friend along! Call to reserve your seat. Seats are limited.
www.mycaringdoctor.com 240 Bridge Street, Metuchen NJ, 08840.
Tel # 732-549-3000